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Analgosedacija za dijagnostičke procedure kolonoskopije, gastroskopije, cistoskopije i radiološke procedure
Klinički centar Crne Gore Broj neinvazivnih i minimalno invazivnih medicinskih procedura koje se izvode van operacione sale, u ambulantnim uslovima, pokazuje eksponencijalni rast tokom posljednjih decenija. Za izvođenje nekih terapijskih intervencija ili dijagnostičkih procedura dovoljna je samo sedacija ili samo analgezija, a u nekim slučajevima postoji potreba za analgosedacijom. Sa uvođenjem kratko djelujućih sedativa, opijatnih analgetika, kao i antagonista navedene...
Epiduralna steroidna blokada u terapiji lumbosakralnog bolnog sindroma
Bol u donjem dijelu leđa (lumbosakralni radikularni bol) Bol u donjem dijelu leđa je vodeći uzrok invaliditeta u svijetu, sa stopom prevalencije tokom života koja se procjenjuje između 51% i 84%. Lumbosakralna radikulopatija je uobičajena vrsta bolova u leđima koja zahvata korijene lumbosakralnih nerava i uzrokuje radikularne simptome koji se šire u donje ekstremitete. U jednom istraživanju procijenjeno je da je 36,6%...
Epiduralna analgezija i prirodni porođaj
Epiduralna analgezija je vrsta regionalne anestezije, koja je značajno mjesto našla u akušerstvu, odnosno obezboljavanju prirodnog porođaja. U svijetu je epidural široko rasprostanjen, naročito u zemljama zapadne Evrope (Velika Britanija 35-40%, Francuska 70%, SAD 50%). U specijalnoj ginekološko-akušerskoj bolnici u Postojni, u Sloveniji, gdje su se naši anesteziolozi obučavali za ovu vrstu anestezije, čak 90% porođaja se izvodi u...
Analgosedacija u modernoj stomatologiji
Šta je analgosedacija? To je anesteziološka metoda uvođenja pacijenta u stanje u kome ne osjeća strah i anksioznost, relaksiran je, nema bola, a postiže se pomoću farmakoloških sredstava (analgetika i sedativa). Metodu izvodi doktor specijalista anesteziologije. Zašto analgosedacija? Zato što ima pacijenata koji se manje ili više plaše stomatoloških intervencija a neki to čak ispoljavaju i akutnim napadom panike. Takođe, pacijenti koji...
Anesthesia for cataract surgery
Anesthesia for cataract surgery is the medication used to numb the eye so you do not feel it during the procedure. Since cataract surgery is an outpatient procedure, lasting only about an hour or less, you will remain awake and receive local anesthesia in the form of eye drops or a needle-based block most of the time. In most cases,...
Anesthesia for knee arthroscopy
Knee arthroscopy is considered for surgical management of knee pain after conservative measures have resulted in little improvement in symptoms. You and your healthcare provider will decide on the specific procedure and schedule it at a hospital or outpatient surgical center in advance. Make sure to give yourself plenty of time to arrive at the hospital by the designated time...
Oral surgery
Three main types of anesthesia are commonly used in oral surgery: local anesthesia, IV sedation, and general anesthesia. Always be sure to follow the proper preparation and aftercare instructions from your Oral Surgeon to ensure that you have a safe and successful procedure. Local Anesthesia If you’ve ever had a cavity, there’s a good chance that you have had local anesthesia. Local...
Types of Anesthesia
There are four main categories of anesthesia used during surgery and other procedures: general anesthesia, regional anesthesia, sedation (sometimes called „monitored anesthesia care“), and local anesthesia. Sometimes patients may choose which type of anesthesia will be used. Your physician anesthesiologist will discuss the types of anesthesia that would be safe and appropriate for the operation or procedure you need and...
Anesthesia for Colonoscopy
A colonoscopy is a procedure in which a doctor examines your large intestine (also called your colon) to look for and remove growths that could be precancerous or cancerous. There are two kinds of anesthesia used during colonoscopies. If you have conscious sedation, it is usually administered by the doctor who performs your colonoscopy. If you undergo general anesthesia (also...
Spinal anesthesia for total hip replacement
Most anesthesiologists and surgeons recommend spinal anesthesia for hip replacement surgery. Recent research suggests that complications may be reduced after surgery with spinal anesthesia compared to general anesthesia. In spinal anesthesia, numbing medication is injected into the fluid surrounding the spinal cord in the lower back. This will numb your legs and block all sensations in the lower half...